Washing Pella Windows

We just washed the windows on a ranch house out in the Round Mountain area. The windows are all insulated Pella windows with the window treatments in between the panes. As is typical, a haze begins to build up inside the window unit and it must be opened to clean all 4 sides of glass on the window. This can be a tricky proposition! What makes this project even more difficult is that the window blinds are in between the panes and we had to be very careful to keep from getting the blinds dirty while washing the glass. It is not difficult, it just takes a lot of time and patience. We had to hold the blind away from the glass, clean the window, wipe all of the moisture away without leaving any smudges or smears and then gently place the blind back in place. We would leave the insulated part of the window open for a while to ensure that all of the moisture evaporated before closing them up. If you close these insulated units too soon, they will fog up and look horrible. Give us a call if you are not patient enough to wash your windows. 512-926-7000.

The details are real important when cleaning the inside portion of storm windows; especially the Pella type that can be opening and have blinds in between the panes.

The details are real important when cleaning the inside portion of storm windows; especially the Pella type that can be opening and have blinds in between the panes.